Yes, a snake! In my house, in the middle of the freakin city! He did not meet his maker on this day, he was set back on his turf. He did give me the idea for the "Back in Black" theme tho. Join me in this video where I paint a couple tables, a hand full of trays, a flower pot, and a birdbath black.
I used Krylon paint in black, and copper for some of the projects and Heirloom Traditions Paint in Polo for another. All of these projects feel industrial to me. They are a mighty shadow in a little package. That Heirloom Traditions Paint in the color Polo is my favorite. It has a blueish undertone. Some light it looks totally black, but in other light, you see the slightest hint of navy. LOVE This is a fun video. I ran away with the "back in black" thing. Try saying that a bazillion times in one day without messing it up I hope you all enjoy and please leave a comment even if it's a smiley face. :) Subscribing is free and easy, and so is hitting the like button ;) #paintitblack #blackspraypaint #blacksnake #backinblack #blackbirdbath #blacktable #Heirloomtraditionspaint #HeirloomtraditionspaintinPolo #junkshackbaby